What is Boiler Conversion?

Boiler Conversion is the process of changing a fossil-fuel firing boiler to a Lean Briqs (Briquettes) firing boiler. These fossil fuels include; Industrial Diesel Oil, Furnace Oil, Kerosene, LPG, and heavy fuel oil. Thermic fluid heater running on fossil fuel can also be converted.

The Lean Briq Fired Boiler

The Lean Briqs fired boiler is owned, maintained, and operated by Lean Energy Solutions. We install a complete Lean Briq (Briquette) fired boiler with all its accessories in place of old boilers, unconvertible, non-existent, or very small boilers whose steam requirements have increased.

The Salient Features Of Boiler Conversion & Lean Briq Fired Boilers
Frequently asked questions.
This is our brand name for briquettes. Briquetting is the conversion of biomass into compact, high-density low volume lumps by mechanical compression. They can be used directly in boilers or furnaces that use firewood without conversion.
Lean Briqs have the following benefits. They are:
  • Eco-friendly.
  • High in calorific value of about 3800–4200 Kcal/Kg.
  • Low in ash content 6–8% which can be used as fertilizer.
  • Easy to transport due to high bulk density.
  • Environmental friendly, they contain no sulfur against fuel oil which has 4%. Due to this absence, maximum heat recovery is possible before the exhaust is released into the atmosphere.
  • Renewable Source of Energy.g) Carbon–Neutral fuel.
In addition, production of 1 tonne of Lean Briqs (briquettes)
  • Generates 12 Man–day employment opportunity.
  • Saves the country approximately USD 150 on foreign exchange.
  • Saves 1 tonne of Carbon dioxide emission.
How is the client involved?
  • The client only parts with a security deposit. The payback period for this deposit is 3–5 months.
  • The client will be required to provide civil foundation work for the equipment, space, and shade for lean briqs.
The conversion does not interfere with the existing system. In case of an emergency, the client can revert to fossil fuel firing by removing the duct and putting back the burner of the original equipment. This change over cannot take more than 3–4 hours.
  • Ash from Lean Briqs is neither harmful nor hazardous to the environment.
  • Lean Energy Solutions Ltd is responsible for taking care of the ash. This ash can be used in the manufacture of bricks or even as a land fill as fertilizer.