What is an energy audit?
An Energy Audit is a critical study of equipment, processes, and operations with the objective of identifying energy saving opportunities that can help reduce the energy bills of an organization without impacting production volumes, quality, or safety. The energy audit can also help benchmark the energy consumption of an organization with other comparable organizations.
Energy Audit Methodology
During an energy audit, some of the systems that are comprehensively studied are:
- Electrical Systems.
- HVAC Systems.
- Thermal Systems.
In Kenya, it is mandatory for all industrial, commercial, and institutional users of energy-consuming more than 180,001 kWh per year to conduct an energy audit at least once every three years. This is as per the Energy Management Regulations
Energy-saving measures may be operational changes without any investment, minor retrofits, or attractive projects with payback periods less than 6 months or measures with payback periods up to 2 years. Our clients have achieved energy savings ranging from 10% to 30% by implementing recommended measures.