What are pellets?
Pellets are biofuels made from compressed organic matter or biomass. Lean Energy Solution’s pellets are produced from saw dust that would otherwise be disposed of. This technology involves compaction of sawdust under high pressure into small cylindrical bars of compressed energy, with uniform shape and size.
Due to the consistent rise in the cost of fossil fuels and price instability, and the increased attention given to the effects of using fossil fuels such as oil and gas on the environment, pellet use is encouraged as an alternative source of thermo energy.
Worldwide, half a billion households prepare their meals on open fires using firewood or charcoal. This releases a high amount of indoor air pollution, resulting in sickness, and eventually causing over 4 million untimely deaths yearly.
Furthermore, buying fuel consumes a large portion of the average household income, making it difficult for people to save money to improve their lives. Pellets solve most of these problems as it is user and environment friendly. This is because pellets are used in clean cookstoves that gasify them hence producing a clean and hot flame free from greenhouse gases.
Lean Energy Solutions Ltd has designed & prototyped its very own Forced Draft Gasifier Cookstove that uses biomass pellets as fuel.
This targets low-income households to cook more efficiently while reducing their carbon footprint and greatly reduce their exposure to harmful pollutants such as Carbon Monoxide that are released by traditional cooking methods.